Friday, October 8, 2010

Victor Perez

This guy is making every Latino in American Proud today!! Victor you are so AWESOME!!! You have inspired each of us to pay more attention to things going on around us and to take action when something doesn't seem right. You truly are a living example of the "Good Samaritan".

May the Lord send all of his blessing your way.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Amazing Mateo!!!!

I met Mateo's parents when they became subscribers to my youtube channel. I was so impressed with Mateo's piano playing skills I wanted to share him with you. Mateo you are such a skilled pianist. I know you will go far. You have such a beautiful talent. Don't ever be afraid to share it with people.

You can pause the background music by clicking on the player in the bottom right corner.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Latinos in Action

Another proud moment. These kids rock! Way to go, keep up the great work. You are making Latinos everywhere proud.

Video Courtesy of

For more info on Latinos in Action click here